SMART CEU’s Hub Founding Sponsor: Lanai Therapies

SMART CEU’s Hub is proud to recognize Lanai Therapies as their Founding Sponsor. This partnership along with potential other businesses and organizations, will help SMART CEU’s Hub provide scholarships for future Recreation Therapists. Every year SMART CEU’s Hub awards two $2500 scholarships through Indiana State University Bloomington. It is a pleasure to introduce a business that believes in the future of RT and is taking action to prove it!
Lanai Therapies is a game-changing in home specialized therapy company that has flipped the script on what it means to be a contract Recreation Therapist. They are striving to improve the experience for all contract Recreation Therapists. Based in Dallas Fort-Worth, TX, Lanai Therapies is a passionate member of the disability advocacy community, providing holistic therapy services for individuals with disabilities of all ages.
From the team at Lanai:
“We are so proud to partner with Smart CEU’s Hub to enrich the experience of Recreation Therapists across the country. We founded Lanai Therapies to improve the experience of everyone involved in the world of contract Recreation Therapy. We know that working as a contract Rec. Therapist can be a little daunting. So we started Lanai Therapies to fix all of the pain points that RT’s encounter – from not being trained and feeling lost in the field; to not having a company culture of like-minded therapists to connect and interact with. We wanted to be better; for both the population we serve and the therapists we employ. We know that contract Recreation Therapy isn’t for everyone. But we have made it our mission to change the game and make contract Recreation Therapy an incredible experience for all.”
-Brandon and Dale, Founders, Lanai Therapies, LLC
Not only does Lanai Therapies do things that other companies don’t, they give back to the disability community and are a people-focused company.

Our Valued Partners

Thank You to Our SMART Partners


Get those creative juices flowing and plan a spectacular February event that celebrates YOU! A Recreation Therapist! There is no better time than Recreation Therapy Month to shout about the amazing work that is done by professionals in our field. Employers, clients, families, communities and legislators can benefit from learning more about our skill sets and professional credentials.

Celebrating Recreation Therapy month can done in a variety of ways both large and small. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

• Send a company wide email with a flashy message like the one at the left. Download and Print it HERE.
• Sponsor a Health Fair and include tables or information about all of the ways to incorporate Recreation Therapy into transformative health and wellbeing.
• Create a bulletin board and include information about the benefits of RT and action photos.
• Provide stakeholders with a case study from your organization or practice that shows first hand results.
• Create a theme such as “ReCreate Yourself with Recreation Therapy” and feature it throughout the month in flyers, emails, events, and bulletin boards.
• Wear your RT apparel or get your whole dept. to dress alike on a certain day in February.

The important thing is to spread the word about the many
benefits of RT and celebrate the beautiful people
that make it all possible!

Helpful Resources:
About Recreational Therapy—From NCTRC
CTRS Fast Facts—From NCTRC
Employ Excellence—From NCTRC
Rec & Chill— RT Apparel & Resources